There are rare moments where I get " Free Time", Times where there are hrs to waste before heading to my next destination. When that does happen I find myself spending money sadly. I seriously need to find a new hobby or find a way to make the funds to support my crazy spending habits. Recently, I stopped in at the Mac counter located in Belk at the Citadel Mall of Charleston, SC. What started as a quick stop to get some concealer for the dark circles around my eye from living this fabulous mommy life, ended up in a lip gloss kit and a pre-sell purchase. ( insert crying meme) WHY AM I LIKE THIS! I need to learn discipline, ok lol. I'm being super dramatic and getting off subject so back to our regularly scheduled program. Let me show ya the goods! Here's what I brought: *Lucky Stars Lip Gloss** Kit: Neutral* - This kit came with a purple foiled cosmetic bag with a star charm for the zipper tab. Inside are three 0.11FL OZ/ 3.2 MIL Lipglass lipglosses. I wouldn't call these tubes mini but they're aren't full size either. Compared to most holiday kits, I think they're a pretty good size. The colors that come in the neutral kit are Co-Star (my fav out of the bunch), Young Starlet, and Silver Screen Star. Young Starlet and Silver Screen are glitter glosses and go amazingly beautiful over your favorite lipstick for an added flair of fabulousness or touch of flirtiness. Glitter glosses also look great with a natural-colored lip liner as well. Over the years and my days of working at a makeup counter, I've noticed people shy away from glitter gloss in fear of looking like a disco ball or a 12 yr old. All I'm saying is don't be afraid to play with glitter!! Done right, it can take your make up look from basic to popping, ok. Trust me!

*Lucky Stars Retro Matte Kit: Neutral* - This kit's cosmetic bag is black with gold foil. Inside are three 0.07 FL OZ/ 2 ML Retro Matte Lipcoulours. Colors included are Texting the Stars, Topped With Brandy and With a Side Of Stars. Texting the stars and Topped With Brandy are solid matte colors but With a Side of Stars is a glittery/sparkly MATTE. LIPCOLOUR! Girl!! I have never tried anything like this and I love it. It's almost like a lipstick/lipcolour topper. Here's why I love it so much, I feel as if this one product can have so many purposes. I honestly can't wait to experiment with this particular color on my eyes, as body glitter, highlighter, etc... but listen baby girl, if you have super sensitive skin, especially around your eyes, I am not telling you to ignore that and try any of these things I'm suggesting lol.

*Starry- Eyed kit: Smokey* - The cosmetic bag for this kit is a larger size and covered in gold glitter with velvet black hatching all over. This kit contains 1 In Extreme Dimensions 3D Black Lash Mascara full size, 1 Liquidlast Liner (0.08 FLL OZ/2.5 ML) Black, 2 Extra Dimension Eye Shadows (Starry Starry Night and Sweet Heat ) When it came to these kits I picked what would look best against my skin tone, other colors would have given me a frosted look. The shadows went with the theme of the collection and are shimmery. What I like about the shadows is that they aren't glitter or a crazy metallic color. My color choices were chosen with the thought of my day to day life (9 to 5 ) and where I would mostly wear make-up. This collection has some gorgeous color especially when it comes to the lip colors and I recommend trying some of the bolder brighter colors as well.

Christmas is right around the corner ladies and gents and these are some
awesome add ons!